Thursday, April 02, 2009

Tell Them To A Stone

“If your secrets bother you, tell them to a stone and drop it into the river. They will stay there forever, and your heart will be relieved.” George Lamsa circa 1966

Throughout my life I have had many occasions to travel to a river (or the ocean) and “throw rocks.” To my way of thinking at the time I had used this exercise as a release of anger, angst and frustration. It wasn’t until I read this I really came to know there was more to it and why that was so important for my life, and may I humbly suggest, yours.

We carry around in our heart “secrets”; those thoughts and feeling that for whatever reason we are unable or said in another way, unwilling to release. They build up in us and then are expressed in one form of disease or another.

What would you tell to a stone this day? What have you been holding in your heart that when released will bring about a better day?

When my heart is relieved, in that moment I am whole.

What a simple exercise.

Tell it to a stone and drop it into the river. Know that as the water moves over, around and past it; it is cleansed. The anger, angst and negativity are washed away.

What a blessing!


I feel better already…

And you?

In Oneness,

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