Thursday, May 28, 2009

There Are No Miracles…

"There are no miracles in an orderly Universe."
Spiritual Economics Pg. 32

Have you ever heard comments about how lucky or unlucky someone was? We all see people playing the lottery hoping for some miracle to bring them the prosperity that they seek.

Life is not a "Wheel of Fortune." We do not hold our breath, then spin and wait to see the outcome. We form our own fortunes or misfortunes by right use of our consciousness. This is not easy to accept. It is much easier to blame the stock market, the job, or your family for the things in your life that seem not to work.

Now, right this moment is the time to stop placing blame on the outer conditions of the world and look within at your beliefs regarding prosperity. When you believe prosperity comes from your job, your investments, or your family, you will never truly prosper.

"Everything that appears in the universe had its origin in mind." Charles Fillmore, Prosperity

At Unity, we believe (and I teach) the power of prayer. However, are you looking for your prayers to bring about a miracle in your life? If so, ask yourself this question…”Why am I practicing nothing less than spiritual gambling?” Remember, prayer does not change things. It changes your consciousness.

When you stop praying in the hope of demonstrating a miracle and begin to pray for nothing less than a change in your consciousness, you begin to BE the change you wish to see.

All things are possible not because we can somehow change God's mind, rather because we become one with the flow of the universe. We stop struggling and begin to live LIFE. As we do, new ideas come, new avenues of good appear, and new opportunities arrive.

Your good is rooted in the Kingdom of God which Jesus taught.
Good is not the lucky coin we carry, the lucky shoes we are wearing, or the "right" prayer that we say.

Remember, prosperity begins by changing your thoughts about "how things are."

Here are 3 things to put to work:

(1) Find three things in your past that appeared to be "bad luck" and find something good that came from it.

(2) When good things happen to you, do not reduce it to a matter of luck, rather know that you are a creative expression of Divine Mind.

(3) Make a point of thinking about these things at the end of the day, and take them into a prayer of gratitude.

Are you concerned about "how things are" because of what you hear and read in the media?
Take a three week (21 day) break from reading and/or listening to the news. I've done this many times. Here's the good news... The stuff spewing forth isn't the Truth of you.

In Oneness,

P.S. If you can't make it to the Chapel on Sunday you can join us online as we broadcast the 11:00 am celebration LIVE.

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