Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

Thank You , Thank You, Thank You!

Strange way to begin a note?

Not really!

One of the things I have been taught, and I have shared with you, is to be grateful for all our blessings; both seen and unseen.

So, why am I thanking you?  FOR YOUR PRESENCE!

You and I have crossed paths for a higher purpose that at first glance would seem to be the case.  From you I have gained tremendous insight as to my relationship with God.  

Sidebar: When I first wrote that last sentence I put in the words [to God.] and then it struck me that I was using “old” language which puts God “out there” when the Truth of me (and you) is I am ONE WITH the Presence.  Much better… sigh…

My awareness of that relationship comes from the very subtle changes in thought, feeling and my language which leads to different actions, which brings into manifestation marvelous results that enlighten and illumine my path – Thank you!

As I look out upon my world I have the opportunity to be swept away by appearance of lack and limitation; by the appearance “of revolutions and rumors of wars;” However, the teaching continues, “watch out and do not be disturbed:” [Matthew 24:6]

It is in that moment that the affirmation “Regardless of the appearance, I AM there” can e brought to the fore front of thought and applied with power and authority as you say:


As you send forth the very vibration of those words into your world you go to that place in consciousness where you are open, receptive and responsive to the Truth of you.  Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!  For answers come- that which I need in the moment comes – and I rest in it.

So, how does this apply to you, today?

What is showing up in your world that appears to be less than the Truth of you?
[Your answer here]

As you see that challenge, know that you have the ability and capability to move from that place of “old limiting thinking” into the Truth by looking past the appearance…


Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

In Oneness,


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